We made it to El Paso! Let me start at the beginning of the weekend...
Saturday 9 am I picked up the van - everything turned out GREAT at Hertz! :) From about 10 am to at least 7 pm, Keith did an AMAZING job putting the van together - washing it inside and out, beds, kitchen/counter, racks/storage, ALL the gear, ALL the things! We had probably 90% of all we needed together. There are always some last minute adds, but overall it was very productive and glad we dedicated a day to get it done so we weren't rushing. Shout out to Steve and Christy with Signtek for the awesome van signs! Now we are official.
This morning Rebecca and I started off around 8:30 CT. Got us some tortillas (yum!) and headed out of town. Overall, the drive went smoothly. Stopped for some lunch in Ozona and just a few fuel stops in between. If you travel on the highways, I recommend the Pilot Rewards app - rewards for fuel and food/drinks. Time flies when you are shooting the shit and planning out Day 1. We got to El Paso around 5ish (mountain time). Sushi for dinner - super yum (gotta get something different before we hit the road and have nothing else but what we packed for about 5-6 days until we make it closer to civilization).
Plan for Day 1 is to start pretty early, around 5 am MT. Tomorrow's plan is to get out of El Paso and then some. My goal is to post daily - fingers crossed I have cell phone service. I should tomorrow since we won't be too far out of town. Thanks for all the shout outs and well wishes - it is greatly appreciated! I will try to post pictures here as well, but the main picture/video source will be the Instagram site.
Night night.
